Centre of Dialogue Upheavals


In 2016 Centre of Dialog “Upheavals” in Szczecin was awarded the title of World Building of the Year 2016. To celebrate this fact, the Marshal Office of the West Pomerania commissioned a pop-up leaflet showing the architecture of this special building. On the one hand, the architecture of “Upheavals” is very organic – its curvy shape blends into the landscape, but on the other it creates a monumental block with geometric divisions.

The leaflet was trying to capture both of these aspects – showing the space of the Solidarity Square, where the roof of “Upheavals” disappears almost completely in the environment and a dynamic, geometric facade that opens up to the viewer as a paper pop-up when he opens the leaflet.

Apart from designing, we also supervised the print and production of 15,000 manually assembled  copies.

  • In collaboration with Marta Madej
  • The National Museum in Szczecin
  • Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Zachodniopomorskiego
  • 12 | 2017